Complaints procedure

BDO's complaints procedure (in Dutch) provides the opportunity to submit a complaint about the professional conduct of professionals affiliated with BDO and about alleged irregularities relating to any of BDO's services in the Netherlands.

Complaints procedure BDO

The complaints procedure is part of BDO's quality promotion and control system and is principally intended for BDO's clients, but third parties are also able to use it.

Complaints as referred to in the complaints procedure are processed by the Commissie Klachtbehandeling BDO (BDO Complaint Handling Committee) set up for this purpose. The Commissie Klachtbehandeling BDO only responds to complaints that relate to services of BDO Nederland.

Commissie Klachtbehandeling BDO
p/a BDO Holding B.V.
Corporate Litigation & Support
Postbus 182
5600 AD Eindhoven